Wooley Sheeps & Goats

SheepGoatDemonstrate & It's Super Fun!

Suitable for 1st-6th grade.

Utilizes sheep &/or goats in illustrated messages. 

Lessons Include:

  • A Shepherd's Correction & Compassion
  • Are you a Sheep or a Goat?
  • Sorting the Sheep from the Goats

SheepGoatShepherd Correction & Compassion

Illustration uses sheep, goats, or sometimes pictures of same.

Writtien originally for 1st-6th Grade. Adaptable to other ages.

GoatAre you a Sheep or a Goat?

Illustration uses sheep, goats, or sometimes pictures of same.

Written originally for 1st-6th Grade. Salvation emphasized.

SheepGoatSortSorting Sheep from Goats

Illustration uses sheep, goats, or sometimes pictures of same.

Written originally for ages 1st-6th Grade. Adaptable to other ages.

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